In2Dialog – a Dutch startup company which uses AI-driven technology to revolutionise the recruitment and interview process – today announces its successful partnership with Ubeeo, a leading provider of recruitment software for education, healthcare, government and retail markets. The partnership will see In2Dialog’s innovative interview tools integrated into Ubeeo’s wider suite of recruitment tools, with a specific focus on their ATS system.

In2Dialog provides a tool that saves recruiters time with report writing, gives greater candidate insight during interviews, and facilitates incremental improvement to the interview process at a managerial level, with the combined result of securing better matches for recruiters and employers. Because it slots directly into a number of leading ATS systems, all of this benefit is gained without any disruption to existing organisational workflow, with the data generated by In2dialog automatically populating relevant parts of the applicant tracking system.

In essence, In2Dialog records interviews – both in-person and online, generates transcripts, uses AI to analyse the content both thematically and syntactically, and then produces summaries, overviews and metrics which communicate the key themes discussed within the interview, along with a psychological evaluation of both interviewer and interviewee.

  • Recruiters using this integration will benefit from a powerful AI augmented note-taking that will save them 30 minutes per interview
  • Ubeeo users will be able to extract more from each interview and share this insight with the full decision-making team through Ubeeo’s ATS. Using validated psychometric tools and language modelling, In2Dialog quantifies candidate aspects, including their interests, motivations and skills, as well as aspects of their personality and energy. It then communicates these consistently and efficiently to key decision-makers.
  • In2Dialog also assists in the assessment, improvement and management of the recruiters themselves, by generating interviewer style and performance reports. This thus allows managers and trainers to assess and benchmark team performance without the time-consuming process of individually overseeing and monitoring interviews in-person. In2Dialog does this by quantifying and comparing interviewing style across the interview team, generating metrics for elements such as duration of interview and rate of trait extraction, percentage of turn-taking and open questioning, subject focus breakdown and energy-match between candidate and recruiter.

Speaking of how the new integration will develop In2Dialog’s presence in the corporate HR market, founder Diddo Van Zand said: “We are pleased and proud to be working with Ubeeo, who share our values, goals and philosophy in relation to recruitment and the ways that it can be made more effective. Their established reach in the market will extend the range of users who can benefit from In2Dialog’s powerful insight – for both candidates and the interviewers themselves – and give us a greater presence in the corporate HR arena”.