Release notes

Here you will find updates about new featurs, bug fixing and other tech stuff to make your live easier. 


Teams Integration and more!

We’ve got some exciting news! We’ve rolled out a few awesome new updates and integrations in our tool that you’ll definitely want to know about.
1. Teams Integration
You can now fully integrate Microsoft Teams with our tool. We can join in on any conversation, and you can easily add or remove us depending on whether it’s an interview or not. To activate this, just click on 'Integrations' in the top right and follow the steps.
2. Zoom Integration
Good news for Zoom users! We now support Zoom integration as well. This means you can seamlessly schedule and join Zoom meetings directly from our tool, making your workflow even smoother.
3. Carerix Integration / Salesforce Integration
We now support both Carerix and Salesforce integrations. All your data is neatly placed in the right fields in your ATS, so you can manage your client information and sales activities in one place. This makes your workflow much more efficient.
4. New Analytics / Topics
Our analytics section got a major upgrade. You can now dive even deeper with detailed reports and insights. Plus, we’re now tracking topics, so you can see where each recruiter is spending the most time. This helps you optimize your team’s activities and make data-driven decisions.

We’re confident these new features will enhance your experience with our tool. Need help setting up or using these new features? Feel free to reach out to our support team. We’re here for you!

Q1- 2024

Older updates

Here is a summary of what we have achieved for you the last few months.
We have included  Topics in the analytics section. Here you can see how much time you spend on seperate topics in the interview.

Bullhorn Integration
Bullhorn users can now benefit from In2Dialog seamlessly. The users can invite candidates for interviews from Bullhorn, to find the notes, analyses and summaries within Bullhorn.

Analytics on individual & team level
The analytics now offer easy inpection of communication styles, compared to the general benchmark. It is now easy to see where you excell and where you have room for impovement.

Improved user portal
We rearranged the portal on the basis of user feedback, to ensure a better user expercience. Workflows are easier and require less time.

Better transcripts
AI is constantly improving and we want to offer the best experience! We now use the best performing models with more calculation power, to ensure that our analyses are based on 99% correct information.

AI voor recruiters

De nieuwe recruitment standaard

Wij helpen recruiters zich te specialiseren in datgene waar ze goed in zijn: focussen op het menselijke aspect door hen de tijd en de input te geven om te excelleren.
De AI-tool die jouw sollicitatiegesprekken efficiënter maakt door aantekeningen te maken, samen te vatten en belangrijke informatie te extraheren terwijl jij aan het woord bent.



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